I have a tendency to make quick decisions. When a friend offered a piece of furniture to us, I found it a new home with DD Jennifer in Iowa. Hum....... friend wants the hutch out of her house on Tuesday.......it is now in my van.......do I really want to take it OUT of my van and put it in the garage? Heck no. Hum........have a few days off of school........why don't we just keep it in the van and head down to Iowa for a brief visit? I can't work, as school isn't in session. Grandkids are out of school too. Seemed to make sense.
So I packed the van and tried to get out of the Twin Cities before rush hour. Didn't happen. And since winter hasn't arrived yet, we still have construction zones in Minnesota and Iowa. Fast forward six hours, 300 miles, and we arrived in Grinnell Iowa, tired, but happy to be there.
Hutch looks great in their house. Grandkids were excited to visit Jen and her husband. I got to relax and enjoy my son-in-law's great cooking. Didn't realize they were also on Fall Break. Next day, Jennifer did a photo shoot with the grandkids. You really should check out her pictures at www.jenniferweinmanphotography.com. There is a link in the right column of my blog. Awesome photos! And then there was my feeble attempt at photographing the grandkids, like below. Hey, some of us have it, some of us don't.

Two days later, we were back on the road. I stopped and took one photo of the grandkids by some gorgeous grass on the Grinnell College campus. Then we headed north on backroads through Iowa. Stopped at a neat quilt shop in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Grandkids enjoyed the break. I enjoyed the shop. Eventually we arrived back home, in time for weekend activities and another week of work. Short, quick mini-vacation. Very glad I decided to go.