My fabric usually looks like this. Colorful piles of various prints. Eventually they will be sorted, cut, and stacked. If only they would sew themselves. Am I dreaming? What fun would that be?

I did continue working on DD Jen's quilt. Only two plus years late. All the center blocks were completed. On to the 100+ tiny stars. Progress was made this weekend. Yes!!!!

The view from the Long Lake Conservation Center. Even though it was cold outside, the sunshine and birds made it pleasant. We stayed warm inside while we sewed the night away.

I have always thought it would be nice to just live from one retreat to the next. There are definitely enough of them out there so you never have to go home. But how special would those retreats be if they become a daily occurrence? Probably not. Our local guild has their retreat in January, up north, in cold, snowy Minnesota. Even with the cold, we still have a wonderful time.