I have tried to make a quilt for each one of my nieces and nephews when they get married. I am behind on several of the quilts, as I had five to make in less than two years. Very frustrating for me, as I truly don't like giving belated gifts. Two of those five quilts have been delivered. Two more are ready to be quilted. Last one is in the piecing process. These wedding occurred in 2007 to 2009. Do they still remember that a quilt is coming? I hope so.
Fast forward to 2011. With my husband's side of the family covered, or the quilts are in the process of completion, I figured I had a few years before my brother's children would marry. Not the case. My niece married this past weekend. My nephew is getting married next year. Dare I make them quilts? Will they move in line with other quilts being made? Can I break this cycle?

I decided I couldn't add another wedding quilt to the list of unfinished quilts. Instead I made myself pick a pattern that I knew could be completed soon. And I picked fabrics that read "South Dakota", where my niece and her husband live. It definitely reminds me of that region. And it was finished and delivered on their wedding day. One quilt that won't go in the line of WIPs.